I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me.

Phillipians 4:13

Monday, February 11, 2008

My 34 week ultrasound!!!

I went for my ultrasound this morning and all I have to say is I am sooooo in love!!

He was so big! He's measuring a week ahead (they need to have the radiologist look at the measurements to determine the weight so I'll find out at my next appt). And he is definitely a boy! We got to see his "parts" several times which makes me feel better cause I was still worried that it was wrong! He was practicing breathing and looks so healthy! She focused in on his face several times and I could see the cute little lips and the chubby cheeks!
And she went around his head and you could see he has hair already! He's definitely head down and now I know exactly how he is laying. His feet are in my right ribs, his bum is in my left ribs and his back is along my left side. He's face is pointed towards my right hip and all those pushes that I get around my belly button are his elbows! She wanted to get a picture of my cervix so she had me put my hands on either side of his head and pull up and you could see his head move up off of it on the screen, it was pretty cool! I really really can't wait to meet this little guy! He was so precious! Here's the pics from it.

Here's his side profile
You can see he's all cramped in there!
Here's his face. It's hard to see so I labled it in this one and then in the next you can kinda see it. She got a lot better shots of it during my ultrasound but this is the best picture. He had such kissable lips and cheeks!Same picture but not labeled as much.And his cute little foot!!!!

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