I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me.

Phillipians 4:13

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Lots of pictures!!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while but it was a crazy week! Jeff was gone to the fire college (in Gravenhurst) from Tuesday until Friday so I was pretty busy with the girls. Then we had our date night (that was the one we were supposed to go out on for Valentine's Day but the plans fell through :0) Better late then never!!!) Saturday night, we went to Montana's, yum!!! If you haven't had the Mile High Mud Pie before, definitely order one sometime, it is delicious!!!! But make sure you share it with someone if not more than 1 person cause it's huge!!!! I just wanted to post some cute pics of the girls.

I was doing my crunches the other night so Juliana decided to climb on my stomach and go for a ride. It was pretty cute, she would rock back and forth. It certainly made them harder to do!!!! LOL!!!

Kayla always wants a "tent tower" on the slide so I put a blanket on it to make a little fort. When it gets pulled off it makes her full of static and her hair was standing straight up! I couldn't resist getting a picture. As soon as I touched her, she shocked me and her hair laid back down instantly!!! It was pretty funny!!!

Juliana always likes to play with Kayla's/daddy's/mommy's sweaters or stuff like that if they are on the couch. She walks around trying to put them on so I put Kayla's on for her. She looked like a little rapper or something like that. She was having such a hoot with the sweater on!

The other day when I was folding the bleach load, Kayla insisted on helping me so I piled together a few wash cloths for her to fold. Once I showed her how to do it, she was actually pretty good! She was a little perfectionist when she was doing it, she had to make sure they were nice and flat. What a good little helper!

We took the girls out for the first bike ride of the year today! We got this bike trailer last year when Jules was still a baby so we weren't able to use it. I was really excited to pull it out this year! They looked so cute in it, just chillin'!! (Don't worry, we had a helmet on Jules for the ride, we just took it off for the picture because it would lean forward and cover her eyes a bit.) During the ride, she figured out how to hold the helmet up so it wouldn't cover her eyes and she could see the scenery! It was so fun! I'm hoping we can go for lots and lots of bike rides once the nice weather is here to stay. It was a little chilly today but luckily the bike trailer had a cover on it and I tucked them in with a blanket before we left.

We've got Juliana's dedication next Sunday so I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to post next weekend. Hopefully that won't be the next time I post! I'll try and post some more during the week. Have a great night everyone!!!!!!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

3 post in 1 day! That's a record!

Juliana has now figured out how to climb up the rock wall and then sit down on her own to go down the slide. She seems like such a big girl when I see her doing this all on her own. Kayla likes to go down with her all the time! Juliana gets so sweaty cause she just goes up and down, up and down over and over! It's fun to watch them!

Juliana's 1 year pictures

We went and picked up Juliana's pictures on the weekend and they turned out so good!

Get down!!!!

Whenever Juliana hears music she starts boogying, so we cranked up the Boyz In The Sink (Veggie Tales group, very cute!) and watched them go! If you watch carefully in the beginning Juliana does this funny bum wiggle and then falls down, it's really cute!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Another birthday party for Juliana!

We had Bob, Mary (his mom), and his sister and niece over for presents and cake last night. Bob came over in the afternoon to put together Juliana's present- a play set - and she really wanted to help!

Here she is on top of it enjoying it! I kept trying to get her to climb up the rock wall but she just didn't want to, she kept tryi
ng to climb up the slide!

Kayla enjoyed it when she got up from her nap! She loves climbing up the slide and then going backwards down it!!!

Here's the 2 of them looking at this ride on toy and wondering how they can get it out!

And here's her riding it! She actually sits on it backwards most of the time and then her little bum hits the buttons on the control panel and makes noise!

We put her helmet on her and this was the best picture I could get because as soon as Jeff put it on her, she whips it off!!!! I love the smile though!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Happy 1st birthday to our little Juliana!!!!

I had a very busy but fun last couple of days. I spent most of the day on Friday decorating Juliana's cake (yum!) and then Jeff and I went shopping for her present, I know, bad parents leaving it until the last minute!

We had her open presents from us in the morning on Saturday since we were having people over for dinner later on. We bought her a life jacket, a few toys, Cinderella (which didn't come in time), a book, tons of clothes and some fake food for their Dora kitchen. We got Kayla a Belle doll (from Beauty & The Beast) cause she kept asking when it was her birthday and when I was going to make her a card or a cake. That way she didn't feel too left out, she's not quite at the age that she understands it all.

Jeff's parents and Grandma came over for dinner and then a bunch of other family members came over afterwards for cake and presents. Juliana got a really cute bathing suit from Jeff's brother and girlfriend. I had to post this picture of her prancing around in it! As soon as I put it on her, she just started strutting her stuff! Too cute! She also got a cute bike helmet that she wouldn't let us put on her! Every time we put it on her, she would just rip it off! I didn't get any good pics of it on her because of that but I'm sure when we start biking, I will! She also got some other toys that Kayla has claimed as hers too so there will be some power struggles I'm sure! It was Jeff's dad's birthday too so we had the 2 of them blow the candles out on the cake. He certainly got a good present last year!! Although maybe I'm just a little biased!!! LOL!!!!

It was a wonderful birthday for our littlest girl. It's hard to believe that it has been a whole year already since she blessed us with her presence! Those doctors certainly were wrong when they told me I had or soon would miscarry when I was 3 months pregnant. She proved them all wrong and God blessed us with such a wonderful, fun, smiley angel that has become such an important part in our family. She has such an awesome personality and her and Kayla get along so well. They are so different yet they love each other dearly. Jeff and I thank God everyday for the 2 angels that we have. We love them so much!!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Just some cards I made yesterday

So I spent the whole afternoon while Juliana was having a nap working on cards and I got quite a bit done. I thought I would post a picture of them cause I know some of you like to see them. Now I just have 4 more to make and I'm done for a few weeks!

This is Juliana's 1st birthday card
(The flash washed this one out, it's
actually a deeper colour)

This one is for my father in law (same day as Jules!)
I know I've used this stamp a lot but I really like it!

This one is for Jeff's step mom, Joan. I just bought this stamp
at Michael's on the weekend, I really love it!
(The flash really washed this card out,
it's actually a deep red and a deep golden colour)

I spent about an hour reorganizing my craft stuff this morning. I had 1 of these containers over flowing so I grabbed a 2nd one and now it's nice and neat!!! I couldn't believe how many stamps I have once I organized them better!!! And I have 2 sets coming from eBay still!!!!! Two drawers full!! LOL!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A video to go with the picture...

I took this video of Juliana doing the phone thing after I posted this afternoon. I thought it was pretty cute to hear her squealing into the phone and seeing her tilt her head. I like how at the end she gets up and walks away and then does another squeal!! What a goof!!!

"I have to buy that"

Well, I'm gonna have a busy week ahead of me, it's Juliana's 1st birthday on Saturday and I've got lots of things to do. I'm going to make 2 cakes (we have 2 parties on the weekend), plus buy and wrap her presents, make lots of cards (March seems to be the birthday month in our family), on top of all of my other things! But I love when I have a busy week, it seems to make things fly!

Kayla's been in this funny stage lately, any time she sees something that she likes she says "I have to buy that". She'll be looking through a magazine and see a toy or something like that and say "I like that, I have to buy that" or if I tell her to be careful with something she'll say "If it gets broken we'll have to buy a new one". Last night as I was changing her for bed, she was playing with her 'belly button hole' and I told her to not push too hard or else it will hurt. She says "I have to buy a new one then" LOL!!!!! I told her that she can't buy a new one and that God gave that one to her so it's the only one she's gonna get! Another thing she keeps saying is "I have to invite ______ to my birthday". She was watching tv the other day and she says "I like Poko, I have to invite him to my birthday" Last night at supper she says "I like honey, I have to invite it to my birthday" Everything gets an invite!!! So far we have about 100 things and cartoons coming!!!! Too funny!! She is at such a fun age, she makes me laugh all the time. Of course there are the temper tantrums at this age too!!!! I am certainly blessed with those 2 little girls in my life!

Juliana's getting to the age where she's really understanding things. If she has something we don't want her to have we just ask her and she brings it to us! In the bath the other day, I was playing with a toy and making it walk along the tub and saying "doo da doo da doo" and she grabbed the toy and did the same thing, tilts her head and says "doo doo doo doo". Last night when I was changing her I kept saying "mama mama" and she tried by saying "ma". Before I know it, I'm gonna hear the 2 of them in the living room chatting up a storm!

I thought I would post some more pictures for you guys!

Juliana was playing with this toy phone and she started tilting her head and cooing. It was really cute! She must have a good role model to copy!! LOL!!!

I put Jeff's touque (sp?) on Juliana the other day and couldn't resist taking a picture. I like the look on her face too, so serious with attitude!!! (The picture isn't messed up I just blurred the patch, who knows who reads these things!)

Kayla wanted me to take a picture of her since we were taking pictures of Juliana so she was all smiles! She's eating her "animal chicken"! Isn't that such a photogenic smile??

This morning the girls were hiding beside the couch being really quiet so I went over to see what they were up to and they were just sitting there reading books! (You'll have to excuse Juliana's finger up her nose, she's been doing that a lot lately, just sticking it in there! Every time I look at this picture, I just start giggling!!!)

Friday, March 2, 2007

Potty training, ugh!

I went to Walmart the other day to buy Kayla some underwear that she picked out and some plastic pants to start the potty training! I am really getting tired of changing at least 13 diapers a day and paying out $39 every couple of weeks for diapers for her (on top of the $39 for Jules) so I thought it would be the right time to start. I started before Juliana was born but it didn't stick too well and she kinda gave up on it. I didn't push her too much cause we had a new baby in the house and that would just make it harder to do. I figured since it's her 3rd birthday at the end of April that I would aim for then. So, we get home and I put a pair of underwear on her with the plastic pants over top. She went for about 1/2 hour really well. I would ask her "Do you have to go potty?" "No". So lunch time rolls around and I put her in her booster seat to eat. I kept asking her if she had to go and she would say no. All of a sudden she goes "Mommy, I'm peeing!" Luckily those plastic pants kept it all in but I decided to put a diaper back on her. Then again later in the evening I tried the underwear again and she peed her pants again. She tells me after she goes pee that she has to go, so it's a little late to make it to the potty!!! At least she knows when she has gone, I just have to get it to be that she knows when she has to go!!!! I'm not too worried, as long as I have her potty trained before she goes to school!!!!!!!! If any of you have any pointers, they would be greatly appreciated!!!

Here's some more pictures of my crazy little chickies!

Kayla was pretending to be asleep before I took this picture and then once she saw the camera, she opened her eyes! This is something that she loves to do-- cuddle with daddy!

Juliana will climb up into this cradle and start rocking it back and forth. She looks really goofy while she's doing it but has a hoot!!!

This is one of the few times that Juliana will actually sit still for longer than 30 seconds! I got to read the whole book! (Mind you it is only 6 pages long!)

We're taking Juliana to the city tomorrow to get her 1st birthday pictures taken so I'll have some cute pictures to post soon!!! I can't believe she is going to be 1 in a week! I was thinking about it today, a year ago at this time I was ready to pop and wanting this kid out of me and to meet her, the one that gave me so much hassle throughout my pregnancy! And now look at her, such a spunky kid, I should have known!!!!