I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me.

Phillipians 4:13

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Holy Snow Batman!!!

We certainly got dumped on last night!!! This is the most snow we've had all year. One bonus of having my husband be on the fire department is other firefighters come over and dig our drive way out!!! The problem with our house is between ours and the neighbour's there is a wind tunnel and it builds our drifts up about a foot about everyone else's!!!! I was supposed to go to the dentist this morning but there was no way I was getting out so I had to call and reschedule. I guess I can't complain too much about the snow since we haven't really had any yet!!!

The boys working away

There are supposed to be bushes under there!

The girls being thankful that they don't have to go outside!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, you must have a great husband to shovel all of that snow. You should give him a nice back massage tonight.

BookCafe said...

Mike stayed home and shovelled all of our snow out today. Nasty! We had drifts all the way up to the top of the porch! Fun!

Glad the kids had a snow day, as they're both sick, again, too. :-?

Hope you guys are feeling better soon...


Anonymous said...

Did this comment go through. I guess I am not smarter than my computer!! Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

What a great site Mandy. Thanks for sharing it with me.

You and Jeff have some real cutie pies!