I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me.

Phillipians 4:13

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

We're a bunch of sickies here :(

Juliana ended up getting a cold yesterday. Luckily I caught it before she went to bed so I was able to get some medicine into her. I also plugged in the vaporizer and a Benylin Vapour plug. If any of you get stuffed up with a cold or have kids that do, those things are life savers! I used to use a warm humidifier and put the liquid stuff in the little well but when Kayla started sleeping in a bed and I was worried about her getting out of bed and touching it, I found those in the store. There is a little pad that has the menthol stuff on it and you just place it in the plug thingy and it heats it up when you plug it into the wall. It's pretty strong too, so it works really fast. They aren't cheap though but it's worth it in my mind considering there's no risk of the kids burning themselves on hot steam, since there isn't any. Jeff started to get stuffed up last night too. Only once I would love to be the only sick one so that I could get the babying and be taken care of. Whenever we are all sick, I'm the one taking care of everyone else!!! Oh well, I guess that comes with the territory of being a mom!!! This morning Jeff got a call around 6:30 so he didn't get home until after breakfast. He had smashed his thumb with a wrench so I got to be the "mom" again and bandage him all up! I always tell him he could do it himself but he says he likes the attention (and honestly I like to baby him!). I don't think he needs stitches, it wasn't too bad, I just hope he keeps a band-aid on it so it won't get infected.

I have an exercise video that I do called Walking Away The Pounds. It's basically just walking at a brisk pace but then there are arm movements that you do and you use hand weights too and also kick, knee ups and side steps sometimes too. Anyways (yes I ramble a lot!) while I'm doing it, Kayla usually sits there and watches me and I'll ask her to do it with me but she usually doesn't want to. At the end of it there is a part where you stretch and she'll do that with me. Last night while I was doing and during one of the times that Juliana woke up before Kayla went to bed, I was just in my way into her room and I looked back at Kayla and she was standing in the living room doing the exact stretching movements that I do! It was so precious!!! I love how kids copy you and learn so much by just watching what we do. Like when Kayla would say thank you for something I would say "No problem", well if anyone ever says thank you to her, she always says "No pwablum"!!! On the other hand, if they copy us for something we don't want them to, that's not so good! LOL!!! For example, sometimes if I get frustrated with something I'll go "ugh" sort of loud. I noticed once when Kayla got frustrated that she did the same thing!!!! Kids are certainly good for a laugh!!!!!

Anyways, Jeff just got home from a meeting so I'm gonna go spend some time with him. Have a great night everyone!!!!

(I know I just posted pictures yesterday but I find that so many things happen here during the day that I'm constantly taking picture!!!! If I post too many, just let me know and I'll try to cut back :P)

This is how Juliana fell asleep during her nap yesterday!!
She looked so cute that I just had to take a picture :)
(note how her soother is on her neck!!!)

The other day I was taking close up pictures of me to show
someone my new hair cut and Kayla wanted in on it too. I took
a bunch of them in a row but this was the most precious one!
She was doing her typical crazy dance!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mandy; Don't know why the other comments are not showing on your blog. Both John& I sent one.The girls sure are adorable - no wonder your parentsare always talking about them. Keep up the good work and God bless. ..Allisonth

Amanda said...

Hi Allison! For some reason I've had a few people say that in the last while and it's happened to me when I've tried to comment on other peoples blogs. Must be a glitch or something!

ADasa said...

Hey Amanda, if I had a digital camera when my kids were little, I would have been snapping photos all the time too! Love the sleeping photo and the happy one of Kayla! Cute! Enjoy those little ones - they do grow very fast. I've said that before haven't I? :) D